Who we are

We were created in 2009 by the Parliamentary Standards Act. The Act was amended in 2010 by the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act

This legislation gave us three main responsibilities: 

  • to regulate MPs’ staffing and business costs

  • to determine MPs’ pay and pension arrangements

  • to provide financial support to MPs in carrying out their parliamentary functions

We are independent of parliament and the government. This means we make fair and impartial decisions about MPs’ pay, pensions and business costs. 

We provide effective regulation of MPs’ pay and business costs on behalf of the public and publish the data to provide public access to information about MPs’ pay, pensions and claims.

We have five key values that support our vision and shape our culture:

Staying connected

We’re connected to each other and our customers by a common purpose.

Seeing the bigger picture

We have foresight and always try to see the bigger picture. We anticipate needs to ensure the service we deliver is seamless.

Being open

We listen to understand and act with tact and empathy. We challenge in the right way and deliver on our promises.

Doing the right thing

We make independent decisions based on balanced and fair judgements. We do the right thing and aim for right first time, every time. If we make a mistake, we fix it quickly.

Making a difference

We are knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. We understand our customers and deliver exemplary service.

We are overseen by a Board comprising five members.

The Board is supported by an executive, which is responsible for our day-to-day running.

The Board also appoints an independent Compliance Officer, who investigates complaints made about MPs’ claims and reviews decisions we have made.

The Chair is appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons (via the Speaker's Committee for IPSA (SCIPSA)).

The Chair is supported by four Board members, all of whom are appointed by SCIPSA. They are made up of a former MP, a qualified accountant, a former High Court judge, and one other.

We are governed by our Board, which consists of a Chair and four Board members. 

Under the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009, our Board must consist of: 

  • one member who has held high judicial office 

  • one member who is a qualified auditor, and 

  • one member who is a former MP 

Members of the Board are appointed for fixed terms of up to five years. They can also be reappointed for a further term of up to three years.  

The appointment of Board members is prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Parliamentary Standards Act

Read more about the Board's role, procedures and principles, and our operational costs

You can also read the minutes of Board meetings

IPSA recently conducted an external review of its governance arrangements.

It was found that IPSA has an effective Board with clear strategic priorities that support the organisation’s long-term sustainable success.

Read the latest review and the results of the previous exercise of 2019-20.

We have worked hard over the period of the last Corporate Plan to fix the foundations of our funding system and improve the service we offer MPs and their staff.

Following a comprehensive review of our regulatory approach, our new Corporate Plan 2024-27 describes our move to a new approach to how we regulate to make the system stronger and simpler, more efficient and effective. This will reduce the administrative burden on MPs and their staff and help us to target our support to those who need it most. Compliance rates are high and any changes must uphold and promote public trust.

We have introduced a new strategic priority – supporting trust in democracy – to acknowledge IPSA’s pivotal role in ensuring public understanding of the value of the money spent by MPs on their constituency and parliamentary duties.

Our Corporate Plan 2024-27 is focused on strong but simple regulation, with clear rules, simple processes, and assurance that public money is well spent.

Read our Corporate Plan 2024-27.

Read our Business Plan 2024-25.

The legislation that established IPSA also provided for the creation of a Compliance Officer to investigate possible breaches of the Scheme of MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses, either by MPs or in our application of the rules.   

Our Compliance Officer is wholly independent. They work two days a week and report directly to our Board.

They are responsible for: 

  • conducting investigations if there is reason to believe an MP may have been paid an amount under the Scheme that should not have been allowed

  • reviewing determinations by IPSA to refuse reimbursement (in whole or in part) for an expense claim at the request of an MP 

The role is confined to matters relating to the Scheme. They have no power to investigate complaints that pre-date our creation in May 2010.  

Complaints relating to claims prior to May 2010 are usually handled by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. 

The Compliance Officer receives an annual salary of £25,000-30,000. 

You can visit the Compliance Officer’s website to find out more about their role and function.

Previous Board Members 

Sir Robert Owen2016-2023
Rt Hon Jenny Willott2016-2020
Ruth Evans (Chair)2016-2019
Jackie Smith2018
Elizabeth Padmore2013-2018
Anne Whitaker2013-2018
Professor Sir Ian Kennedy (Chair)2009-2016
Rt Hon John Thurso2016
Sir Neil Butterfield2013-2016
Tony Wright2013-2016
Ken Olisa2010-2013
Jackie Ballard2010-2013
Rt Hon Scott Baker2010-2013
Professor Isobel Sharp 2010-2013

Previous Chief Executives

Marcial Boo2014-2020
Andrew McDonald2009-2014

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