Welcome to IPSA
We are the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, the independent body that regulates and administers the business costs and decides the pay and pensions of the 650 elected MPs and their staff in the UK.
Find out more about the costs necessary for our MPs to perform their parliamentary functions, and search for your MP’s claims.

There are many misconceptions about MPs' pay and business costs – find out five things that might surprise you about how things work.
Discover more about our history, our people and our values, as well as read about our future strategy and corporate plans.
Learn about how we regulate and manage MPs’ claims – including the rules in the Scheme of MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses.
Learn about our duties and responsibilities, how we appoint people, govern ourselves, and how we are funded.
Read our latest reports, take part in public consultations, and learn more about our vision for the future.
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Find out how to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and search our archive of previous responses.