Contact us

We provide information about MPs' pay, pension and business costs. Much of this information can be found on this website.

You can also find out more about Who we are and What we do.

Contact us

If you are an MP or an MP’s staff member, please visit the dedicated website for MPs and staff for details about how to contact us.

If you are a member of the public and have a general query, you can contact us by email at

If you have a recruitment or job vacancy query, you can contact our HR team by email at

For press and media enquiries, please contact our press office.

You can also search previous Freedom of Information responses or find out how to make your own request.

If you would like to provide feedback on our performance, an MP’s conduct, or about their business costs, visit Complaints and feedback.

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Learn about MPs’ claims

Discover how and why MPs claim for their staffing and business costs.

Read about MPs’ staffing and business costs