Andrea Spataro

Boardroom Apprentice

IPSA is pleased to be a participating Board on the Boardroom Apprenticeship Programme run by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), and set up to help those who would like to serve on a public or third sector board to learn and gain experience.

Our Boardroom Apprentice for 2025 is Andrea Spataro.

Andrea has close to eight years’ experience working as a data protection lawyer, having worked in both the UK and Italy, for legal and consultancy firms. He has previously been appointed as a Data Protection Expert by the Council of Europe, and his recent work has focused on issues concerning the technology industry, data privacy, artificial intelligence, and commercial procurement. Andrea has been registered as a solicitor in the UK since 2021 when he was admitted to the bar.

NameAndrea Spataro
Financial interests*None
Directorships and shareholdings**None
Investment property***None
Public appointmentsNone
Charities and non-public organisationsNone
Any other relevant interestsNone
Relevant interests of spouse, partner, or close family memberNone
Gifts and hospitality receivedNone
Date2 January 2025

I, Andrea Spataro, confirm that the information that I have given is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete. I confirm that I understand the purpose of the form and the reasons for the collection of my personal data and that I agree to my personal data being used as stated.

*This includes interests held by a board member that are directly relevant to his/her position within IPSA. It is not a list of all financial interests including all investments or loans held by a board member. It indicates where financial interests are held in a blind trust held independently from the owner so that a board member is shielded from involvement in their management.
**Shareholdings are not listed where they are de minimis in nature.
***In line with the Registers of Interest in the Houses of Parliament, property owned and/or occupied by board members for their own use is not included in the list.