Salary and business costs for Andy McDonald MP


I wish to make a FOI for the wages and expenses Andy McDonald MP has been paid and received over the past four years please.


I can confirm that we hold information relevant to your request.

Information about business costs and staffing is published in the MPs’ Staffing and business costs section of our website.

As this information is publicly available, under section 21 of the FOIA we are not obliged to provide you with a copy of the information requested. The following paragraphs explain however how to find the information you have requested on our website.

By way of background, the rules setting out what MPs may claim for are set out in the Scheme of MPs’ Staffing and Business Costs. You may also find our article A guide to MPs’ staffing and business costs of interest.

To find information about Mr McDonald’s salary and business costs, use the A-Z list which you can find at Search MP by name to search for specific MPs. The page for Andy McDonald MP is Andy McDonald.

Business costs

To find information about the MP’s business costs in each of the last four years, scroll down to the section headed “Business Costs”.

If you want to look at a particular year, press the + next to the year in which you are interested. This will then expand to show how much has been spent in various categories. The name of each category is a link which you can click. This allows you to drill down to find more detail in the category in which you are interested.

Alternatively, if you scroll down to the end of the Business Costs section you will find a link to download all claim data for the MP. You can then sort the data by year and by many other categories.

Salary information

To find the MP’s salary in each of the last four years, scroll down to the section headed “Other Financial Information” and press the + next to the year in which you are interested.

Select the link called “MP Payroll information” and this will tell you how much the MP was paid during the year in question.

14 April 2023
MP salaryMP business costs
Exemptions Applied:
Section 21