Information about IPSA procedure for investigating claims outside the Scheme


Background: Tory MP Ben Bradley and possibly others recently suggested food parcels get traded for drugs in the row about why they voted against free school meals for hungry kids vouchers being extended over the holidays.

FoI request one of two: As IPSA checks the expenses claims of each MP we would like you to let us know whether any procedure exists to prevent any MP from trading item(s) they claimed for on expenses with an outsider for something they're not allowed to claim for. Please note: We're ONLY asking you if the procedure exists, NOT for a copy of it.

FoI request two of two: Please kindly supply your records containing the penalty to any MP caught trading item(s) they claimed for on expenses with outsiders in exchange for something they're not allowed to claim for.


There is no procedure for preventing MPs from trading items claimed on expenses, which fall outside of The Scheme of MPs’ Staffing and Business Costs (the Scheme), with a third party.

If it became known that an MP had been trading in this manner then we would initially refer the matter to the Compliance Officer who would then assess any potential criminal activity and decide whether to refer the matter to the police.

Visit the Scheme of MPs' Staffing and Business Costs.

You can also find out more about the role of the Compliance Officer.

28 October 2020
Exemptions Applied: