MPs’ Business Costs and Expenses for October – November 2018

Date published: 14 March 2019

As part of its routine publication of MPs’ business costs and expenses, IPSA has today released details of all claims, paid and unpaid, processed in the two month period from October to November 2018.   Visit our MPs' staffing & business costs page for details of all claims, including those published today. ENDS

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Notes to Editors:

  1. The data reflects claims processed in this two month period and should not be interpreted as a trend or pattern.

  2. The data for individual claims is stored on the website by the date on which a cost is incurred.

  3. IPSA was created in 2009 by the Parliamentary Standards Act. The Act was amended in 2010 by the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act. Together they gave IPSA three main responsibilities:

    • To regulate MPs’ business costs and expenses

    • To determine MPs’ pay and pension arrangements

    • To provide financial support to MPs in carrying out their parliamentary functions.

  4. IPSA is independent of Parliament and the Government. This allows us to take decisions about the rules on business costs and expenses and on MPs’ pay ourselves, without interference.

  5. The Scheme of MPs' Business Costs and Expenses ('the Scheme') governs what MPs can and cannot claim for. We review our rules regularly and consult the public when we do so.

  6. 99.7% of claims made by MPs in 2017/18 were compliant with the Scheme.

  7. Every two months we publish around 25,000 claims for costs and expenses by MPs and their staff. Once a year we publish aggregate data for MPs’ spending and other aspects of their activity.