IPSA publishes ‘Supporting Democracy’ report, details of funding provided for MPs’ parliamentary duties for 2022-23, and Annual Report
Date published: 23 November 2023
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority today published a new report ‘Supporting Democracy’ alongside details of the funding provided for MPs for their parliamentary duties in the 2022-23 financial year.
The data can be found on our website.
IPSA Chair, Richard Lloyd said:
“Transparency is an essential part of supporting trust in democracy, and this is why since IPSA’s creation we have published information about the financial support we provide to MPs in carrying out their parliamentary duties.
“This transparency must, however, be meaningful. There are many myths and misconceptions about MP expenditure that threaten to undermine confidence in democracy and as the regulatory body, we think it is important that we better explain and contextualise the funds we provide.”
This is the main spending breakdown per budget for 2022-23:

You can read more about our latest publication data, the work of MPs and their Staff, and what the data means in Supporting democracy – understanding our 2022/23 data.
We have also published the bi-monthly spending data from June and July 2023 and the Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-23.
For more details contact IPSA's Press Office.
Follow us on Twitter: @ipsauk
Notes to Editors
1. IPSA was created in 2009 by the Parliamentary Standards Act. The Act was amended in 2010 by the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act. Together they gave IPSA three main responsibilities:
to regulate MPs’ business costs
to determine MPs’ pay and pension arrangements
to provide financial support to MPs in carrying out their parliamentary functions
2. IPSA is independent of Parliament and the Government. This allows us to make decisions about the rules on business costs and on MPs’ pay ourselves, without interference.
3. The Scheme of MPs' Staffing and Business Costs ('the Scheme') governs what MPs can and cannot claim. We review our rules regularly and consult the public when we do so.
4. In line with our Publication Policy, we have changed how we publish travel data following security advice.
5. The next scheduled publication is 18 January 2024.