IPSA Achieves Silver At Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards

Date published: 1 May 2019

IPSA has been recognised at an awards ceremony for its commitment to workplace wellbeing.

IPSA was one of 106 organisations to take part in Mind’s third annual Workplace Wellbeing Index, and was recognised with a Silver, meaning they are achieving impact within their workplace.

Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index is a benchmark of best policy and practice, celebrating the good work employers are doing to promote and support positive mental health, and providing key recommendations on the specific areas where there is room to improve.  

Mind surveyed more than 44,000 employees across the 106 employers participating in the Awards and found that seven in ten had experienced a mental health problem in their lives, with over one in two (53%) affected by poor mental health in their current workplace.  

Vicky Fox, Director of Regulation at IPSA, said:  

“This is a significant achievement, particularly as this is the first year we have applied for accreditation. We are committed to promoting a positive culture within IPSA around mental health, supporting staff wellbeing through raising awareness and putting in measures to support staff when they need it. We will continue to work together to build on this success over the coming years.”  

Emma Mamo, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at Mind, said:  

“Every employer depends on having a healthy and productive workforce – valued and supported employees are far more likely to deliver the best outcomes for your organisation. That’s why we’re delighted to recognise and celebrate employers making mental health a priority for their organisation through our Workplace Wellbeing Awards.  

“This year, we’ve been overwhelmed to see so much good practice right across the board, from each and every one of the 106 diverse employers to take part. The Awards event provided an opportunity to recognise those forward-thinking employers who are at the cutting edge when it comes to investing in their staff wellbeing, and in turn getting the best outcomes for their business.”  

Details on next year’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards are available by visiting www.mind.org.uk    


For more details contact IPSA's Press Office: communications@theipsa.org.uk

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Notes to Editors:

  1. IPSA was created in 2009 by the Parliamentary Standards Act. The Act was amended in 2010 by the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act. Together they gave IPSA three main responsibilities:

    • To regulate MPs’ business costs and expenses

    • To determine MPs’ pay and pension arrangements

    • To provide financial support to MPs in carrying out their parliamentary functions.

  2. IPSA is independent of Parliament and the Government. This allows us to take decisions about the rules on business costs and expenses and on MPs’ pay ourselves, without interference.

  3. The Scheme of MPs' Business Costs and Expenses ('the Scheme') governs what MPs can and cannot claim for. We review our rules regularly and consult the public when we do so.

  4. Every two months we publish around 25,000 claims for costs and expenses by MPs and their staff. Once a year we publish aggregate data for MPs’ spending and other aspects of their activity.