Bulletin, 15 December 2022 (Data publication, annual report and accounts, annual survey, HMRC number and reward and recognition payments)

Date published: 15 December 2022

This is our last scheduled Bulletin of the year. We’d like to thank you for your support over the past 12 months and look forward to continuing to work with you in 2023.

On Friday 23 December our phone lines will be closed. If you have an urgent query that day, please email us and use the word 'urgent' in the subject line.

Our office will be open on 28, 29 and 30 December if you have any queries. 

Data publication – January 2023

You can now access the latest batch of your business costs using the Publication Data service.

This is due to be published on Thursday 19 January 2023.

If you have any queries about your data, please contact us as soon as possible and by 12 January 2023.

To check your data, please visit the Publication Data service.

Annual reports and accounts 2021-22

Today we published our annual report and accounts for the 2021-22 financial year.

The annual report and accounts are the result of a collective effort between MPs, MPs' staff and IPSA. Thank you for your work around year-end as this enables us to produce accurate accounts to be laid in Parliament. 

IPSA Annual Survey of MPs and Staff 2022

Our annual survey of MPs and Staff is now open.

We would appreciate it if you could spend around 10 minutes of your time sharing your experience working with IPSA over the past 12 months – what we’ve got right, what’s important to you and what else we could do to improve.

We listen and learn and we’ll get real value from your time.

Please tell us about your experiences by clicking on the button below. The survey will close on Friday 23 December at 23:59.

Take IPSA's annual survey.

HMRC number

HMRC have informed us that their telephone number 03000 581 588, which appears in the Tax and National Insurance guide for MPs and Ministers is now obsolete.

The number to call is 03000 581 587.

Reward and recognition payments

The current financial year is now over halfway through and this is an opportunity to review budgets including staffing costs, in light of the cost of living pressures being faced across the country. Pay and reward issues are for MPs to decide, within the IPSA salary ranges, but the following information may be helpful.

The staffing budget enables you to award staff reward and recognition payments, provide paid overtime rather than time off in lieu or increase salaries within the set job bands.

For the period of this financial year, IPSA will suspend the 2% cap rule which restricts the proportion of your budget that can be used for Reward & Recognition payments.

The cap on individual Reward & Recognition payments remains.

For further information visit Reward & recognition.