Committee chair allowance for MPs


I would like to know if:

  1. there were any allowances for the member of parliament who was appointed as a temporary speaker in the absence of the Speaker and deputy speaker of the house during sessions; and

  2. allowances to the member of parliament who was appointed as a chairman of the committee.


IPSA holds some information relevant to your request.

i) Allowances for the member of parliament appointed as a temporary speaker in the absence of the Speaker and deputy speaker of the house during sessions

We do not hold information relevant to this part of your request as the allowance is not paid by IPSA.

IPSA regulates MPs’ staffing and business costs, determines their pay and pension arrangements, and provides financial support to them to carry out their parliamentary functions. Information about the Speaker’s Office and business costs is held by the House of Commons. Information about making an FOI request to the House of Commons is available from the UK Parliament website.

You may find it helpful to check previous FOI disclosures relating to the Speaker which are published on the UK Parliament website.

ii) Allowances to the member of parliament who was appointed as a chairman of the committee.

We hold information relevant to your request.

Committee chair allowance for all MPs is published on the MPs’ staffing and business costs pages on our website.

Use the A-Z list to search by MP’s name.

Select the year you are interested in and go to ‘Other Financial Information’, ‘MP Payroll’ for a list of any additional salary and the reason.

As this information is publicly available, it is, therefore, subject to a refusal notice under FOIA section 21.

This means that we do not need to provide you with a copy of the information with this letter.

30 November 2021
Exemptions Applied: