Details of alterations to the MPs’ pension fund 2014-19


I should like all the letters, emails and notes of meeting regarding alterations to the M.Ps pension fund over the last five years.


We have given careful consideration to your request and have determined that the cost of complying would exceed the appropriate limit set out in The Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 and we are therefore refusing to comply with your information request under section 12(1) of the Act.

The appropriate limit for Public Authorities, such as IPSA, is currently set at £450 which represents the cost of one person spending more than 18 hours identifying, locating, retrieving and extracting information falling within the scope of your request.

We have estimated that it would take over 50 hours for us to locate and collate the information requested. This is because the information is not held centrally, and it would include sifting through thousands of emails to collate and determine if they fall under the scope of your request.

IPSA may be able to disclose some of the requested information if you are able to narrow the scope of your request. However, we cannot confirm if this would in fact bring your request under the appropriate limit, or that another exemption will not apply.

This concludes our response to your request.

31 July 2019
Exemptions Applied: