Supplier name for three claims made by Martin Horwood MP


I'd like a bit of extra detail on three of Martin Horwood MP's expenses if that's possible.

What I'd like to know is who the supplier is- in other words who the money was going to.

The claims are:

  • 28/03/2012 - £382.50 (other)

  • 30/03/2012 - £424.20 (other)

  • 28/02/2013 - £1237.00 (other)

  • 31/03/2011 - £990 (General Admin- other)

  • 31/03/2011 - £2,750 (General Admin- other)


IPSA holds the information that you request.

Under the MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’), Office Costs Expenditure is provided to meet the costs of renting, equipping and running an MP’s office. This includes work which has been undertaken to ensure the effective maintenance and upkeep of such offices. Please find at Annex A the name of the supplier who provided the services relating to five claims you requested, which were approved and paid under the Scheme. In each case, we have provided the information already published on our website alongside the name of the supplier[1].

[1] In one instance, we do not hold the name of the supplier. Mr Horwood shares the constituency office premises with the local party association, which is commonplace amongst many MPs. The cost of the work was paid in full by the party association, who then invoiced Mr Horwood for his share of the costs.

26 April 2015
Exemptions Applied: