List of connected parties employed by MPs and whether they are employed in or outside London


Please provide a list of connected parties employed by MPs and whether each person works in London or outside London. If this data is not available in all cases, please provide as many as possible.


IPSA does not record the day to day working locations of MPs’ staff. The information we hold on staffing locations relates to whether or not the individual is based primarily in London or outside London. This information is provided to IPSA by the MP when new members of staff are registered, and relates to the salary band the staff member is allocated. For further information, you can view these salaries bands on our website, via the following link:

This information is only held for individuals on IPSA contracts. Individuals who were employed prior to the establishment of IPSA in May 2010 and have not transferred to an IPSA contract will remain on their previous contract. Where we do not hold the information, we have indicated so.

Further, staff members are permitted to work in any location, at the discretion of an MP. Some individuals may be based primarily outside London, in the constituency, but work in the Westminster office a few days a week, or vice versa. Such arrangements are within the rules specified in the MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (‘the Scheme’).

Please find attached, at Annex A, the names of connected parties employed by MPs (as of the date of your request) and whether they are based primarily in London or outside London.

Annex A

8 October 2014
Exemptions Applied: