The amount MPs can claim in expenses


Under the Freedom of Information Act I am requesting the amount MPs are permitted to claim for expenses please.  Prior to the "scandal" and up to 2010 they were limited to £22k.  My MP last year claimed over £30k and the one for South Cambs claimed over £40k.  Please clarify what is going on and how this can happen.


IPSA holds the information that you request.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) is the body created by Parliament under the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 to independently oversee and regulate MPs’ expenses.  IPSA has two main roles: regulating the business costs and expenses system and administering and paying MPs’ expenses, pay and pensions.

As you may be aware, Members’ allowances were the remit of the House of Commons prior to the establishment of IPSA in 2010.  The rules governing such allowances, including any budgetary limits, were set out in the ‘Green Book’.  You can view past editions of the Green Book on Parliament’s website, via the following address:

The current rules regulating MPs’ expenses are now established in the MPs’ Scheme of Business Costs and Expenses (the ‘Scheme’). Members of Parliament are permitted, under the Scheme, to claim for expenses legitimately incurred whilst carrying out their parliamentary duties. 

Please find attached a copy of the latest Scheme, the fifth edition, which we hope provides you with all the information you are seeking.  Previous editions of the Scheme are available online on our website.

23 December 2013
Exemptions Applied: