Accommodation costs claimed by Andy Burnham in 2012


Would it be possible to send me the information of MP Andy Burnham Claims of the rent rackets, and an other MP within Wigan MBC. From the story in the Daily Mail Saturday 20th October 2012


In responding to your request, we have assumed that you are requesting details of rental arrangements.  IPSA holds some of the information that you request.

As per the first part of your request, you may be aware, prior to receiving your FOI request, we were already in receipt of an FOI request (Reference FOI2012-A067a) relating to details of all Members of Parliament who claim for rental accommodation under the MPs’ Scheme for Business Costs and Expenses and their landlord names.  I can confirm that we have provided, and published, a response to FOI request reference FOI2012-A067a.  The response, which includes the information that you request, may be viewed via this link to the Freedom of Information section of our website.

The FOIA states that information that is accessible by other means is not subject to release.  As the information you have requested is already available on our website it is exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA (information accessible to applicant by other means).

We are unable to respond to the second part of your request without more specific details relating to who or what you are seeking information on.  If you would like to request information about another MP, you are free to submit an additional request for information under the FOIA.

18 December 2012
Exemptions Applied:
Section 21