Claims by Mr Brooks Newmark for rental accommodation


Please supply information relating to Mr Brooks Newmark’s claim for rented accommodation in his constituency.  Specifically, please supply: the name of the Landlord and, if applicable, associated parties; the category of the claim (whether it’s rent, ground rent or any other form of associated expenditure) and , where possible, any further information relating to what is being bought by that sum of money ie terms of rental (one year, main requirements place on tenant).

Please confirm whether the property is the same one he has claimed against under the previous “green book” scheme.  Please note we are not requesting the address of Brooks Newmark and we are only requesting the name of the Landlord if Brooks Newmark has already consented to this in relation to an earlier FOI.  If he has not consented then please redact this and supply all the other information.  Please note too we are not requesting a copy of the full rental agreement or all information in it, just the principal terms outlined above.

Please supply any correspondence between IPSA and Brooks Newmark relating to his claim for rented accommodation in his constituency


IPSA holds some of the information that you request.  Please find below responses to each part of your request in order.

You specifically requested information relating to Mr Brooks Newmark’s claim for rented accommodation in his constituency, including the name of his landlord, the category of the claim and terms of rental.  You also requested any correspondence between IPSA and Mr Newmark relating to his claim.

IPSA holds some of the information that you request.

Please find below responses to each part of your request in order.

  1. The name of the Landlord and, if applicable, associated parties;

In response to the first part of your request, I can confirm that IPSA is currently preparing information for release including details of all Members of Parliament who claim for rental accommodation under the Scheme for Business Costs and Expenses and their landlord names.  Therefore IPSA has taken the view that the information you have requested is exempt under Section 22(1) of the FOIA (Information intended for future publication).

We have considered whether the public interest in releasing the information outweighs the application of the exemption. It is our opinion that the public interest is best served by publishing a full list rather than on an ad hoc basis, as in this way a clear and complete set of information is published, avoiding any potential confusion. It is for this reason that the application of the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosure at this stage.

  1. The category of the claim (whether it's rent, ground rent or any other form of associated expenditure).

In respect of the second part of your request, details of MPs expenses claims are published by IPSA on its website and can be viewed here.  For clarification, we can confirm that the claims are for rent only and are included in this expense category.

  1. Any further information relating to what is being bought by that sum of money. ie terms of rental (one year, main requirements placed on tenant). IPSA holds the information your request.

We can confirm that the lease is for a 15 year term and that the requirements placed upon the tenant are those in line with a standard lease or rental agreement and relate to:

  • Payment of rent and outgoings such as utilities and telephones;

  • Routine general maintenance, decoration and repair of the property, grounds and garden;

  • Not making unauthorised alterations;

  • Rights of entry by the landlord and the agents;

  • Restrictions on dealing in part or the whole of the property;

  • Use of the property for as a private residence only;

  • Costs of enforcement;

  • Notices and information;

  • Giving back possession at the end of the term;

  • Payments for periods of unauthorised occupation; and

  • Insurance and termination.

  1. Please confirm whether the property is the same one he claimed against under the previous "green book" scheme.

We do not hold the information you request.  IPSA started operations in May 2010 and does not hold information relating to claims made before that date.

  1. Please supply any correspondence between IPSA and Brooks Newmark relating to his claim for rented accommodation in his constituency.

IPSA does not hold the information you request. The registration of a rental agreement is made by submitting an online registration form and sending a hard copy of the rental agreement. At this stage, checks are completed by IPSA to ensure that the agreement is in line with the requirements of the Scheme and that the appropriate evidence has been provided.  Once this has been confirmed, the registration process is complete and claims can then be made online and are validated in line with IPSA’s standard processes.

13 November 2012
Exemptions Applied:
Section 22