IPSA's annual accounts and budget forecast for 2011-12


I am looking for information on the costs of the scheme, both administration and disbursement to MPs. I would like to see the most recent accounts (if any) and the projections/budget for the current year


I can confirm that IPSA holds the information that falls within the description specified in your request.

Copies of IPSA’s Annual Report and Accounts for 2009-10 and 2010-11 can be found on the IPSA website.

Regarding the budget for the current year, a copy of the main estimate for 2011-12, as approved by the Select Committee for the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority, can be found on the UK Parliament website (http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/spcomipsa/1340/134001.htm).

This information is therefore exempt from disclosure under section 21 of the FOIA (information accessible to applicant by other means) because the information is already reasonably accessible via the IPSA and UK Parliament websites.

IPSA is still in its first full year of operation and without a solid historical record of previous trends it is difficult to forecast the budget outturn with any certainty. 

At present, we expect that the operational budget for IPSA will come in close to the estimate total of £6.3m. 

For the overall budget, including all disbursements to MPs, we forecast an underspend of around 1-2%. Given the uncertainty surrounding this forecast, we have submitted a supplementary estimate to draw down the unallocated provision in order to provide some margin for error.

19 January 2012
Exemptions Applied:
Section 21