Official complaints received by IPSA


Please provide me with details of the number of official complaints the IPSA has received, the date of each, from whom the complaints came, and a summary of each.

I would be grateful, too, if you could provide me with details of the complaints system by which MPs can raise issues with the IPSA.


Please find attached a table containing details of the number of official complaints received, the date of each and the category indicating the type of complaint.

Complaint CategoryNumber of formal complaints receivedDate of complaintsType of correspondent
Information Services: (This includes delays in answering phone calls; delays in responding to emails and accuracy of advice given).1204/06/10; 21/06/10; 23/06/10; 05/07/10; 06/07/10; 08/07/10; 16/07/10; 22/07/10; 23/07/10; 03/08/10; 02/09/10; 02/09/10MP:11; MP’s staff: 1
Administration: (This includes staff and admin errors).502/06/10; 18/06/10; 14/07/10; 06/08/10; 11/08/10MP: 5
Processing documents and payments1209/06/10; 09/06/10; 19/07/10; 19/07/10; 23/07/10; 29/07/10; 04/08/10; 19/08/10; 02/09/10; 02/09/10; 06/09/10; 10/09/10MP: 12
Online expenses system1423/05/10; 04/06/10; 10/06/10; 14/06/10; 18/06/10; 17/07/10; 19/07/10; 21/07/10; 25/07/10; 04/08/10; 05/08/10; 06/08/10; 24/08/10; 07/09/10MP: 13; Connected Party: 1
Data Security117/06/10MP: 1
Expenses Scheme128/05/10MP: 1

You also requested the names of the individuals from whom the complaints were received. In IPSA’s view, this information is exempt under section 40 of the FOIA (personal information) as the information constitutes third party data. Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third parties is exempt information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3) is satisfied. Under the FOI Act disclosure of this information would breach the fair processing principle contained in the Data Protection Act (DPA), where it would be unfair to that person or is confidential. We have, however, indicated whether the correspondent is an MP, member of staff employed by an MP or a connected party under the terms outlined in the MPs’ Expenses Scheme.

You also requested details of the complaints system by which MPs can raise issues with IPSA. Any person wishing to make a formal complaint about IPSA is advised to write to the Interim Chief Executive or our Director of Operations at Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA), Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5BH or email them at setting out the nature and detail of the complaint.

26 September 2010
Exemptions Applied:
Section 40